A few days ago, I saw a picture of myself--a full body picture of myself--and I cried. I knew then it was time for a change. I gained about 30 pounds with my pregnancy last year, and before that I'd slowly gained 30 more. Nothing in my closet fits. It's beyond frustrating. I feel so awkward and embarrassed in social situations; I've avoided going out with friends because I just don't have the self-confidence to have a carefree night of fun. It sucks.

Meg Summers B101.7 Tuscaloosa
Me and Dolly, my motivation to live a better life (Meg Summers, B101.7)

I've never been the kind of person to base my self-worth solely on my physical appearance, but my recent weight gain has seriously taken a toll on my life. I'm tired all the time; I eat ridiculously unhealthy food all the time. I'm literally making myself sick by packing on the pounds.

Heart disease, blood pressure problems, and type 2 diabetes all run in my family. I don't want that to be me-- especially now that I am a mom. My daughter needs me to be the healthiest I can be. I want to lose the weight and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle so that my family can be happier.

That's why I turned to Dr. Peramsetty and the staff at Tuscaloosa Weight Loss. At my initial consultation I spoke with a certified nutritionist about the plan and how we could make it work for me. Then I had a battery of tests--everything from blood work to an ECG--to check my metabolic rate, my thyroid, and lots of other factors that could affect my ability to lose weight.

I had a physical with Dr. P Tuesday. He took the time to talk to me (and really listen, which a lot of docs don't do) about the steps I needed to take to live healthy for life. He told me that the program at Tuscaloosa Weight Loss isn't a quick-fix like a crash diet or one of those diets were you eat a bunch of prepacked astronaut food. It's a program that helps you achieve your weight loss goals while teaching you how to make a permanent lifestyle change.

Weight Loss Motivation

That's exactly what I need! I'm excited to start seeing changes in my body. I already feel so much better eating fresh, real food while I work to drop the weight. I like planning my meals out for the day and feeling like I've finally regained some control over my life. The supplements and appetite suppressants I started are totally helping, too.

My goal is to lose 30 pounds by July 1st. I know I can do it. I'm motivated, and I am ready to see a change--and to live a better life. So give me an internet high-five and cheer me on as I work toward living the life I deserve!

Follow me on MyFitnessPal, too--I'll be keeping up with my food journal and more!

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