Most Desirable College by State

In case students and fans around the country don't have enough reasons to argue about which schools are the best, eCollegeFinder has put together a map of the most desirable schools in every state. Let the mud-slinging begin!

Now, understand that these findings are based off which colleges received the most undergraduate applications in the fall of 2013. You might argue your town is cleaner or your campus is timeless, but this map is based off of cold, hard numbers.

Obviously, we're most interested in the state the leads off the list alphabetically, and Crimson Tide fans have a reason to puff of their chest because they've earned the distinction this year. The University of Alabama totaled 30,975 applications with an acceptance rate of 57%.

You can see the state-by-state statistics here, but take a look at how The University of Alabama compares to the top five most desirable schools in the country.

Top 5 Most Applications:

  1. University of California – Los Angeles – 72,676
  2. New York University – 57,552
  3. Pennsylvania State University – 47,552
  4. Northeastern University – 47,364
  5. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor – 46,813

Probably the most surprising state on the map is Florida, where the University of Central Florida tops the list over the University of Florida and Florida State among many others. You can also bet there will be plenty of debate between study breaks in the state of North Carolina.

Which school are you most surprised to see on the map?

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