Our Fourth of July weekend was a whirlwind of barbeques, bathing suits, and fun in the sun. Everything was awesome, the food, our family, the entire holiday. Oh, and my kid jumped into a pool with all her clothes on. And she got a glow in the dark pacifier she thinks is magic; it's so dang cute it breaks my heart. 

The photo above was taken moments after Dolores decided to go swimming again. Once apparently was not enough for her; just moments after I'd taken her upstairs, dried her off, and put her in her normal clothes she booked it for her pink poodle pool. I couldn't chase her down in time, and she jumped into the pool--clothes, sandals, diaper and all. She thought it was hilarious, and the rest of the family couldn't help but agree.

I wish I'd been able to record this incident as it went down, but a camera is typically the last thing on your mind when your child is about to dive head-first into a body of water. We let Dolly get her SPLISH-SPLASH on, and my mother-in-law was able to snap a few pics. I keep staring at the one I shared here--just look at her face: she's so adorable and endearingly smug about the fact that she's getting away with being bad. I probably should have scolded her for her behavior, but COME ON. She was having so much fun!

**Fun Fact: I learned after the pool party shenanigans that Pamper's Baby-Dry Diapers will absorb what feels like 10 pounds of water. Solid deal on those Pamper's, y'all. SOLID.**

Another memorable moment happened last night, and her're the back story: Dolores is almost broken of her pacifier habit, but she requires a paci at bedtime. I've tried sending her to sleep without one and it was like DEFCON FIVE ULTIMATE FIT-PITCHING mode had been activated, so a paci is a small price to pay for mommy's sanity at sleepytime.

Our house is also a gateway for another dimension, which means we lose socks, Tupperware lids, and pacis at an alarming rate. I went to Target early Friday morning to pick up a set of replacement pacifiers (and a Starbucks Caramel Crunch Frappacino because MOMS HAVE NEEDS, TOO). I found an adorable set from MAM: two regular pacis and a special bedtime paci that glows in the dark.

Dolores believes this paci is magic.She watched in sheer awe as her daddy held the pacifier near a lamp to "charge" it; he then handed her a brightly glowing paci, and her reaction was priceless. She held it in her hands, giggled to herself, and then passed the paci back and forth between those tiny hands of hers as she tried to figure out how the "magic" paci worked.

She exclaimed, "Oh, wow!" And then reached her arms out, trying to get the paci back to the lamp. We helped her charge the paci several times, and her amazement never waned. She was witnessing a miracle.

Last night she didn't want to go to bed (Hooray for teething! As soon as you think you're done with this torture... it's time to cut molars. JOY.) and I ended up snuggling with her on the couch. We used a small flashlight to charge the magic paci, and it was perfect. She thought the flashlight was an enchanted object, too, and as I watched her play I could see her eyes widen in wonder.

That's it, y'all--moments like that one make every tantrum, all the stress, messes, and exhaustion worth it. I always love my daughter, but moments like the one we shared last night just totally overwhelm me with love for her. Seeing her that happy is the most wonderful feeling on Earth.

Being a parent is hard work, and having those special moments helps you keep it all in perspective. Your child grows so quickly, and even the happiest of days is gone in a flash. That's why you take the good with the bad and cherish every single day you have together.

There's nothing like it: you look at this little person, this perfect, tiny person, and you love her so much you think your heart is going to turn into Go-Gurt goo. You look at this little version of yourself and you realize that no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, as long as the two of you are together--You are HOME.

That's what's truly magic.

Now excuse me--I'm sobbing now and have to clean up my mascara before someone mistakes me for The World's Largest and Emotionally Unstable Racoon. While I freshen up, watch this video of Dolly and I from last night. It's a treasure.

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