It appears that a snippet from Lady Gaga's upcoming album 'ARTPOP' has landed online in the form of a song called 'Feel It,' and 53 seconds are available for your listening pleasure.

The source of the leak has yet to be identified, so we'll work with what we've got. It gives off a synthy dance vibe, complete with rising tension. From this short snippet, it feels like the song might have more in common with 'The Fame' than it does with 'Born This Way.' But really, it's less than a minute and we can't make a real assessment of this track with such a small amount of audio.

Gaga does declare "We gotta feel it" at one point, and she's right. Life is feeling, especially in dance music.

The only certainty is that we want to hear more.

PopCrushers, what do you think of these precious 53 seconds?

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