Jennifer Lawrence is generating a lot of award buzz (and even landed some nominations) for her role in the film 'American Hustle.' But while her craziness in the role is all her, the accent might have been inadvertently inspired by 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey.'

Lawrence plays a drunken housewife named Rosalyn to Christian Bale's conman Irving, with her character being molded by certain women in the Garden State, even joking that Jersey is "where she belongs."

When asked if her accent was inspired by the reality show itself, Lawrence confirmed it without actually confirming it. Check out the video below to see what we mean by that.

"I can't tell where it came from because I know that I just kind of started speaking in it, and I've been that I've watching a lot of reality TV shows and a lot of those reality TV shows have a lot of New Jersey women, so I can't say that it's not from them. I wish I could, I really wish I could." Lawrence revealed to MTV News.

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