A North Carolina State University Ph. D student just published a long list of maps showing the different ways Americans speak based depending on the region of the country they live. For many of the maps, there's a strong discrepancy between the South and other areas as you're probably aware.

Business Insider compiled the 22 maps from Joshua Katz' study that showed the sharpest differences in pronunciation. The visuals from each of them are tremendous and point out some subtleties that you might have never realized before seeing this.

Let's take a look at a few of the ones where Southerners stand united in dialect.

Are y'all serious?

Ya'll Map
Joshua Katz, NC State


May I have a large coke, please?

Sure, what would you like?

A Dr. Pepper.

Coke or Pop
Joshua Katz, NC State


Bedtime Controversy

Pajamas Pronunciation
Joshua Katz, NC State


Objection, your honor!

Lawyer Pronunciation
Joshua Katz, NC State

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