If you are looking for baby name ideas, this is the opposite. Please do your child a favor and steer clear of these really bad name ideas!

One of the biggest early decisions for a parent is what to name a child. J-Si, Kellie, Big Al and Jenna of Kidd Kraddick in the Morning on B101.7, have come across bad name ideas. Think about it, you can ruin your child’s life by giving them a weird, crazy name.

Listen to the clip from today's show (2/18) as J-Si shares a list of names banned from Sonora, Mexico. It is really hard to believe such wild names had to be listed as banned. Did someone really try to name their kid 'Burger King'? Well, it made the list. We also turn to our listeners on Facebook and the phones for a few of the worst names! For example, you won't believe that someone was named Summer.... with the last name of Camp. Summer Camp. Nooo!

Give a listen! Plus, if you have a bad name to add, leave a comment below.

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