Cameron Simcik is a graduate of Bucknell University. She has written for Her Campus and is currently the Philadelphia Travel City Editor for The Daily Meal and a contributing writer for TheFW and GuySpeed.
Cameron Simcik
15 Epically Passive Aggressive Office Notes
When you're working in close quarters with the same people for long periods of time, the air can get a bit hostile now and then. While there's no way everyone in an office can get along perfectly, there are a few employees who find it hard to tolerate offensive actions, like eating other peoples' lunches or stuffing toilet paper in between the stalls so no one sees them on the toilet. It happens.
10 Dogs Getting Their Groove On
It seems like every day we discover yet another reason to reaffirm the awesomeness of our four-legged friends. For one thing, dogs are super troopers when it comes to our embarrassing Facebook antics.
10 Cats Stuck in Things
Cats are funny little creatures. Some like dressing up in reindeer antlers while others bask in the grumpy glory of fame. It doesn't matter what kind of feline we come across-- we're always big fans of the furballs. However, there is one type of kitty that tops our list of favorites: the kind that gets stuck in things.
14 First World Problems Created By iOS 7
Whether you're an iPhone fan or not, you're probably well aware iOS 7 was released yesterday. For all non-users, this basically means the phone's software was amped up a bit, which sounds like it'd be totally cool, but as soon as people could download it, Twitter exploded with complaints.
13 Hilarious Netflix Fails
If you're part of the amazing world that is Netflix, you know there's a handy little recommendation feature. Basically, Netflix suggests programs based off what you've previously watched, and it's spot on most of the time. However, there are some instances where things get a little wacked out.
11 Hilariously Creative Homework Responses
Back-to-school season is well underway, which also means homework is once again a reality. Ugh, major bummer. But when you're a youngster, homework isn't all that bad! That's because kids make it way less boring by being straight up and honest (read: hilarious).
15 Dogs Who Are So Ready For Fall
You might not be ready for fall weather, but Fido is!
10 Baby Seals That’ll Make Your Week Way Cuter
Ugh, we've been sucked in again. Baby animals get us every single time. But can you really blame us? It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you have snuggly koalas and dime-size lizards around. And as you'll soon find out, baby seals are no exception.
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
Etch-A-Sketches are one of those childhood toys that never go out of style. If you're like most people, a few hours' worth of entertainment usually produced some pretty bad art, although it never really mattered. But there are the select few who are really good at Etch-A-Sketching. Like, really really good.
12 Amazing Examples of 3D Chalk Art
There are some things in the art world that flat-out stump us. How the heck does a 'Star Wars' sand castle or banana art come to life? We haven't the slightest clue, but that's exactly what makes this stuff awesome. And as we've recently learned, 3D chalk art fits the same bill.