It goes without saying that your girl here is a shameless makeup addict. I'll go to pretty much any lengths to get the products I desire, but this.... OH NAW.

I'm a member of several Facebook groups about makeup and makeup swaps. It was here that I first learned that people, LOTS OF PEOPLE, get their makeup from a dumpster.


There are people out there (see the video above) who go dumpster-diving outside of Ulta and Sephora for makeup.


I understand what it's like not being able to afford a product you really, really want (see: Hourglass Ambient Light Palette and This Ridiculously Expensive Perfume). The struggle is real: I have bills to pay and a kid to feed, so sometimes I just don't get what I want.

That doesn't mean I go digging around in the ding dang GARBAGE for makeup. Like, I get that some of it is in "good condition," but I would never put something from the GARBAGE on my face.

Some of the dumpster-diving hauls include products that were used as store testers, which is 2X the nasty--just think about how many people touched that makeup with their unwashed hands. I read somewhere that makeup testers usually contain traces of fecal material because people are disgusting and don't wash their hands. WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT ON YOUR FACE?

And let's not forget that makeup has an expiration date--some of the stuff you grab OUT THE GROSS GROSS GARBAGE is expired and has no place on your face.


Maybe I'm being too bourgeois about this, but man... no way would I ever dumpster-dive for makeup. Would you?

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