It's a once in lifetime Pi Day and we've cherry picked tweets to celebrate! In what has to be planned, today is also National Napping Day.

March 14 is the annual day to celebrate the mathematical constant 3.14 or pi. This is actually the ratio of a circle’s circumference to a diameter. Expand pi out to the first 7 digits and you get 3.141592. When that figure is rounded up we get today's date 3.1416! So, the 2016 pi day carries more significance for being once in a lifetime.

Math nerds shouldn't be the only ones to love this calendar play on numbers, because it's also a play on pronunciation of PIE! Who in this great big world doesn't love pie?! Mmmm...

The tweets have been flying with images to make you hungry, laugh and a bit perplexed on this day.

Let's get start with this one "go pie go pie" the cartoon tweet cheers while watching oven!

"The next stop pies!"

Weather geeks finding a way to share the day with the math nerds with a satellite image showing what looks to be a Pi shaped clouds.

You don't have eat pie to celebrate the day, you could have one slapped on your face!

Then there is the pie in the face, fail!

Oh wait, there really may be something with pi and pie as seen with a mirror image showing 3.14 with it backwards reading pie. Hmm...

What he said.

Oh c'mon, just give me a slice of pie!

After enjoying lots of pie, you may be ready what is also National Napping Day.

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