Malice in Otherworld opens Friday, so let's prepare ourselves for the serious scare that our haunted house holds by checking out the seven videos that scarred me for life. Grab a Snuggie and get your therapist on speed dial; it's about to GET REAL.


Really Scary.

I thought I'd make this a countdown. All these vids scared the bejeebus out of me when I was a young'un, but some were much worse than others. I'm going to share the vid and then we'll go to a safe space so I can unpack years of deep-seated phobias and tell you why each one is so dang scary. Y'all ready? Let's do this.

7. "Heffalumps & Woozles" from 'The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh'
Shout out to the sadist Disney Imagineers who gave me night terrors for a solid year after watching this as a toddler! I remember running to my mom and having to hide behind her every time this devious little dandy came on--and then mom would have to check the perimeter for both Heffalumps and Woozles before I went to bed. I mean, really--what was the deal here? Is this someone's recollection of a bad acid trip or something? It's Winnie the Pooh, not Woodstock. Geez.

6. 'The Skeleton Dance'
Hooray; more Disney deviance! Why was I scared of this cartoon? One: It's in black and white. Two: It's super old. Three: Graveyard at Midnight. Four: SKELETONS JUST POPPING UP OUTTA GRAVES, Y'ALL. I rest my case.

I know people didn't have TV back in those days, but come on--someone had to realize taking little kids to see some DANCING SKELETONS COMPLETE WITH WEIRDO SOUNDTRACK was a bad idea. People were dropping left and right from TB and you're going to haul your kid to the theater for some frightful fun? That's weak parenting.

Anyway, the Disney Channel used to have this bad boy in heavy rotation before Halloween (back when they actually showed cartoons and not just those really annoying shows about tween movie stars on cruise ships or whatever), so I saw it. I saw it often. I'd say this is why I have a cemetery phobia, but naw... we'll get to that in a minute...

5. Vigo from 'Ghostbusters 2'
SUPER SKETCH. That portrait creeped me out as a kid, and you know what? It still creeps me out. Vigo the Carpathian is the guy who hits on you at the bar and then stalks you on Facebook after you turn him down. Pretty sure he's a Men's Rights Activist. Probably wears a fedora these days.

4. "Worthless" from 'The Brave Little Toaster'
This is just... so wrong. The 'BLT' was my jam as a kid, but this is ridiculous. Everyone who knows me knows of my weird affection for inanimate objects. Like, I can just be grocery shopping and see a mark-down bin of discounted Easter Bunnies and end up buying three or more of them because I feel sorry for the cast-offs. No one wanted them; they're worthless... This one scarred me--deep. I want my kid to see 'The Brave Little Toaster,' but then again NO I DON'T because I can't afford to sympathy-shop for two. Also THIS happens. We'll just watch 'Frozen' for the 1,692nd time.

3. The Final Scene of 'Twin Peaks'
SPOILER ALERT. OBVIOUSLY. There are much more terrifying scenes of David Lynch's 'Twin Peaks' (masterpiece!), but I didn't know that when I was channel-surfing one night after my parents told me to go to bed. LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS OR BAD THINGS HAPPEN. See video #2.

2. Buried Alive



My mom and dad had rented this movie back in the day. It was past my bedtime, but I wanted to watch a movie, too. I crept downstairs and hid on the edge of the staircase because grown up stuff is fun, and BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. I mean, the movie is called BURIED ALIVE so it's not like I have to delve into its plot here. To this day, being buried alive is probably my greatest fear. I do not go in caves. I am an organ donor. When I die, I am to be cremated or shipped off to UT's Body Farm. I AM NOT GOING TO END UP BURIED ALIVE, okay?

Also, I just realized the movie was directed by Frank Darabont. I did not know that. See, you learn something new every day, people.

1. "Night on Bald Mountain" from Fantasia
RUINED FOR LIFE. Again: what was Disney's deal? Were parents just super chill about letting their kids watch ghosts and demons dance for Satan's amusement? Because that sounds like family fun!

I couldn't see this as a child without breaking out into hysterics. I'm like 99.99% sure this video is why I am afraid of cemeteries and avoid them at all times, lest I be walking in one some dark and foreboding night and then BAM: music from a Russian composer starts playing and ghosts spring forth and Satan shows up with those godawful fire faries in his palm and those fingernails that haven't seen a file since... ever. I'm a GROWN WOMAN, and this still kind of scares me. I watch it and immediately feel the need to get right with Jesus. I know things even out by the end of this segment of Fantasia, but OH NAW.

What creeped you out as a kid? Share your scariest cartoon, TV, or movie moments in the comments below!

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