The State of Alabama will have its sixth annual Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday this weekend. You'll be able to stock up on the supplies you need to create your family's severe weather plan.

The Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow (Friday, February 24, 2017) and continues until midnight Sunday, February 26. You can purchase supplies like weather radios, batteries, flashlights, and more without paying taxes on items that cost less than $60.

The State of Alabama's official list includes:

Flashlights, lanterns
Battery-powered or hand-crank radio
First-aid kits
Cell phone charger
Two-way radios
Manual can openers
Tarps and plastic sheeting
Duct tape
Fire extinguishers
Tie-down kits, bungee cords or rope

Other tax-free items include: Coolers, ice packs, plywood, window film and smoke/fire/carbon monoxide detectors. Portable generators and power cords costing $1,000 or less are also tax free.

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