The new episode of late night variety and comedy show, Saturday Night Live, aired on Saturday, December 2.

Following the last episode's lineup with Chance the Rapper and rapper Eminem, the first episode of the month kicked off with Irish-American actress Saoirse Ronan making her hosting debut as U2 rocked the SNL stage.

In the midst of promoting her new film Lady Bird, Ronan joined the crew to take on some sketches poking fun at her own name, the Jersey Shore renewal, Irish airline carrier Aer Lingusreturn counters during the holidays, the American Girl Store and more.

Check out the highlights from last night's episode below:

Saoirse Ronan - Monologue

White House Christmas Cold Open 

American Girl Store

Welcome to Hell

Return Counter

Late for Class

Weekend Update: The Duncans on the Kama Sutra

Bachelor Auction

Weekend Update on Eli Manning Update

The Race

Aer Lingus

Floribama Shore

Weekend Update: Theresa May

Weekend Update on the GOP Tax Plan


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