Slayer's Gary Holt shared his affinity for pop music during a recent appearance on the Scandalous podcast, and he definitely has a preference when it comes to two of the genres biggest names - Taylor Swift and Beyonce!

Gary Holt Defends Taylor Swift

You can add the Slayer and Exodus shredder to the growing list of rock stars that have backed Taylor Swift at some point.

When the topic of Swift came up, he confessed, "“I love Taylor Swift! Why all the hate? She’s an extraordinarily hard worker, she’s super fucking nice to everybody, and people hate her. She’s just the biggest pop star on Earth, and more power to her. I like the songs!”

He later added, "[Taylor is also] a good person on top of anything else Not that I know her, but hey, she tipped off her truck drivers 100 grand."

“I’m not a Swiftie, but when 'I Knew You Were Trouble' comes on the radio, I don’t change it," he confesses.

Why Gary Holt Is Less Impressed With Beyonce

While Holt was quick to sing the praises of Taylor Swift, don't look for him to join the Bey-Hive anytime soon.

Speaking in comparison of Beyonce, he stated, "Beyoncé will put out a song and there’s 30 fucking people on it. How can 30 people write a song, all gathered together? It’s just like a factory of songwriting! Who even knows who did what anymore, when there are like 20 names on it.”

READ MORE: Gary Holt 'Pissed' That Rap Is Most Popular Music in America

He later commented, "I think Beyoncé is the most overrated talent on Earth. I think she’s marginally talented."

Gary Holt's Admission of Pop Love

The discussion on Taylor Swift and Beyonce came as an offshoot of the Slayer guitarist admitting his love of pop music. Stating that he'll regularly jam out on it in his car, he explains, “I love pop! I listen to pop mostly in the car, I don’t listen to metal. There’s some heavy shit on [SiriusXM streaming]… but I’d rather listen to George Michael, myself.”

And this isn't really a new development. Later he recalled during his early days in Exodus, "Even back in the Bonded by Blood era. I’d be out on tour with Venom, and I’d be drunk at the bar, singing every word to Madonna’s 'Angel.' And Cronos was shaking his head, like, ‘What’s wrong with this guy!?’”

Slayer + Exodus' Gary Holt Guests on the Scandalous Podcast

15 Rock Musicians Who Have Defended Taylor Swift

These rockers all had nice things to say about the pop star.

Gallery Credit: Loudwire Staff

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