How to Put Yourself First this September
How to Put Yourself First this September
September is Self-Care Awareness Month
I totally subscribe to self-care because it is essential for everyone. Self-care looks different for everyone, but the overall goal is to take care of ourselves physically and mentally. There are great tips to help you with the self-care journey.
I often talk about “Self-Care Sundays” with family, friends, and even on the radio. However, I try to practice self-care every single day. It’s easy to let go of taking care of your physical and mental health because life does happen.
According to Forbes, “No matter how indulgent or fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. You shouldn’t neglect self-care.” How you practice self-care can be very different in how others practice self-care. However, these five areas that Forbes provides does give some great insight on where to start.
1 – Know your worth
2 – A health work-life balance
3 – Stress management
4 – Start living, stop existing
5 – Better physical health
Time can be an issue for all of us. How often have you said, “there are not enough hours in the day” or “I wish there were two of me.” This is all centered around priorities and making time. If you want to become a fan of self-care, there are tons of benefits from practicing self-care. According to the Law of Attraction, they highlight six benefits which are:
1 – Better productivity
2 – Improved resistance to disease
3 – Better physical health
4 – Enhanced self-esteem
5 – Increased self- knowledge
6 – More to give
How do you practice self-care? There are so many ways and activities that can help you on your journey. I meditate, practice Tai Chi, exercise, and devote time to personal development. According to the Health Coach Institute, there are seven types of self-care areas to embrace, which are “emotional, physical, mental, social, spiritual, practical, and professional.”
My advice, when you get to a place of self-care, don’t let anyone suggest to you that it is a selfish measure because I am here to tell you it is not. Also, I believe self-care also has self-compassion. It is the whole concept of treating yourself well because let’s face it, we can be sort mean to ourselves. Good luck on your self-care journey. You are worth it!
(Source) For more from Forbes, click here. For more from the Law of Attraction, click here. For more from the Health Coach Institute, click here.