Long-running cartoon The Venture Bros. was quietly cancelled by Adult Swim, and fans are not happy about it. The series first aired 17 years ago, although only seven seasons of the show were made. The show’s passionate fan base has since started the online movement #SaveTheVentureBros., which has reached the head of HBO Max head Andy Forssell.

The show followed the Venture brothers, Hank and Dean, their father Dr. Rusty Venture, and their fearless bodyguard Brock Sampson as they took on a variety of villains. Over the years, the show’s rich humor and complex storylines earned it a mighty fanbase.

Forssell responded to the outcry online with a Twitter post, in which he revealed that the powers at HBO Max were “working on” saving the show in some capacity. Read the full post below:

From Forssell’s post, it seems that part of his vested interest in The Venture Bros. is the level of civility fans have displayed in requesting the show be brought to HBO Max. Plus, the popularity of the series would benefit the streaming platform, which has been trying to beef up its animation department since its debut earlier in May.

HBO Max also has a history of reviving beloved animated series, including Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time and DC Universe’s Young Justice. Fan influence also played a part in HBO Max’s investment in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Obviously nothing is confirmed yet, but acknowledgement from the head of HBO Max is a good sign for fans of The Venture Bros. 

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