Dear Dad In Heaven, Thank You
Dear Dad in Heaven,
I miss you. I often wonder what life would be like to still have you on Earth with me. I believe I already know what it would be like; you would be “just simply enjoying life.” That is what I loved the most about you. You loved life. You were full of life. That energy you gave me, of living life is always appreciated. Thank You for teaching me that life is to be lived. I try my best to follow in your footsteps of living life. But, honestly, it gets hard, especially without you to guide me and to remind me to “just be happy.” Thank You for telling me to make all my decisions “rooted in my happiness” that truly has helped me make tough decisions. Thank You for being my forever friend. We were together for 43 years and four months and best friends since day one. Thank You for your friendship. Many people loved you and loved being around you because you always brought a smile to everyone you met. Thank You for teaching me how to care about all human beings. That has helped me over the years in my career. I feel as if I connect with my colleagues on a different level because of what you taught me. Your work ethic was impeccable. Thank You for leading by example and to “always deliver more than expected.” I live by that rule to this day. Early on, you showed me how to have a competitive spirit, and that helped me all through my life because, in my head, I can hear you saying, “go in there and act like you already won.” Thank You for building my confidence. I will always remember the lessons that you shared with me. Thank You for your unforgettable charisma, support, and unconditional love. Thank You for being my Dad. I’m forever grateful.
Mary K.