Falling Skies

‘Falling Skies’ Season 4 Is Officially Renewed by TNT
‘Falling Skies’ Season 4 Is Officially Renewed by TNT
‘Falling Skies’ Season 4 Is Officially Renewed by TNT
This time last year, TNT renewed its alien action-drama, 'Falling Skies,' just barely in time for Comic-Con, but 2013 seems to have given the 2nd Massachusetts a bigger head start. The Steven Spielberg invasion series will officially return for a fourth season in 2014, this time with David Eick ('Battlestar Galactica') in place as showrunner, replacing Remi Aubuchon.
‘Falling Skies’ Review: “At All Costs”
‘Falling Skies’ Review: “At All Costs”
‘Falling Skies’ Review: “At All Costs”
‘Falling Skies’ season three rains down its fourth episode of the year with “At All Costs,” as Tom meets with surviving U.S. President Benjamin Hathaway (Stephen Collins) to defend the Volm's involvement in the war, while Anne discovers a startling truth about her baby, and Hal continues to fight his alien implant. Previous ‘Falling Skies’ episode “Badlands” saw Tom discover both Anne’s fears abou