When you want to raise money, might as well pull out all the stops. Panic! at the Disco's Brendon Urie announced last week that he intended to host a charity live stream via Twitch, attempting to raise funds for Panic's Highest Hopes Foundation, and during the stream he revealed yet another new metal track.

Though Panic have leaned poppier in their sound in recent years, Urie has expressed his love for metal in the past. Last December, Urie began expressing his desire to release metal songs.

“I always feel as though I need to be more diverse. Yes, all of the Panic! albums do sound different and have their own vibe, their own aesthetic and imagery, but I still feel like I can do more.” He added, “Even from song to song within one album I feel like things could change even more drastically, and maybe that’ll happen as time goes on. I still have so many different things that I want to do, particularly in terms of genres." The singer later narrowed his focus a bit, stating, "I want to do a metal project in particular."

A few weeks later he released a metal version of the Panic! at the Disco song "The Calendar" he had recorded years earlier. Back in July, Urie returned to Twitch where he shared another original piece of metal music he had put together, gleefully rocking along as he let the song play for listeners.

And now, with his charity live stream going, Urie has revealed yet another piece of metal music, complete with guttural vocals in the verses, while allowing his more melodic pipes to handle the chorus. You can watch below as Urie once again seems to be experiencing great joy with what he's created, banging his head, bouncing up and down and flashing some "horns" at the viewers while the music plays.

While Urie has revealed a couple of original metal pieces over the past year, there has been no word as of yet as to whether he might release a full album.

In addition to the metal song, Urie welcomed special guests like Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz and Twenty One Pilots' Josh Dun. By the time the stream ended, Urie had raised over $100,000 for the Highest Hopes foundation, which aids organizations that advocate for human rights causes. Learn more about the organization here.

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