Want to see what I look like without my usual full face of makeup?

It's me--with no makeup!
It's me--with no makeup!

There you have it. Me--just me. No makeup, no hairspray--nothing.

It was an especially ridic morning for yours truly. I have one of those awful summer colds which I tried to remedy last night with a dose of NyQuil. I overslept--like, waaaaay overslept. I had time to get my daughter fed and ready for day care. There was no time to fix my hair. There was no time to put on makeup.

I pulled my hair back in a low pony and headed out the door. I don't know if I made a brave choice or not. I think I'm too tired to care. Let's see how long I leave this post up until the DayQuil wears off and I fully comprehend the horror of posting my bare face for all the internet to see...

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